
Plasma cutter or laser cutter?

Many enterprises in metal processing to choose mechanical equipment, it is difficult to find out how to choose their own suitable machine. Money saving or good results? Is it high precision cutting or slow cutting?

Plasma cutting machine is the ideal machine for cutting carbon steel, cutting speed is higher than the flame cutting, but to sacrifice some side material, a waste of resources, the cost of the increase. The cutting range of the plasma cutting machine is 6mm-40mm. When it is too thin or too thick, there will be slag phenomenon. When the plasma cutting machine cuts aluminum and other metals, it will blacken and affect the appearance. The range of cutting materials has certain limitations, but the price of plasma cutting machine is cheaper than that of laser cutting machine. If you choose plasma cutting machine, you will tolerate the occasional hanging slag at the bottom of the steel plate.

Laser cutting machine cutting material is more extensive, with the difference between cutting tube and cutting plate. Laser pipe cutting machine for round pipe, square pipe, U-shaped pipe can be cut, cutting precision is relatively high, no burr cutting, no waste of tail material, basically achieve 0 tail material. Plate laser cutting machine for the thickness of the plate is not limited, can cut thick steel plate, to achieve precise cutting. But relative to plasma cutting machine, laser cutting machine price will be more expensive. So according to their own actual situation to choose the right cutting machine equipment.

Post time: Mar-13-2023